Monday, June 15, 2015

▲▲▲▲ Maxim Habanec's Black Rabbit 4 videopart ▲▲▲▲

▲▲▲▲ Maxim Habanec's Black Rabbit 4 videopart ▲▲▲▲

Maxim Habanec is our GrandPrix 2014 winner... Will he win this year again??? Does he have what it takes?:)

We will know in 11 days:))

See you in Beroun ---- 27 / 6 / 2015

Thursday, June 4, 2015

▲▲ 4000 fans - THANK YOU ▲▲

This feels so unreal. Yesterday evening, we reached 4000 fans on our official facebook page. We started promoting GrandPrix Beroun 2015 in the end of april with around 1600 fans and have been getting amazing response from all you guys... We are so stoked, so amazed and so grateful...

We will make sure the event will be a great show and a good afterparty:)


Monday, June 1, 2015

MARTIN PEK - confirmed - GrandPrix Beroun 2015

 MartinPekOfficialPage / MARTIN PEK and his huge kickflip in Prague.

Martin just finished 2nd at the Back To The Streets 2015 in Leszno / Poland....

Besides of this, Martin has WON the Grandprix Beroun, is he going to do it again in 2015?:)))


Friday, May 29, 2015


The young french ripper Vincent Milou is confirmed for the GrandPrix Neroun. June 27th 2015...

Cant wait to see him skate in person. This kid is amazing!!;))

Tuesday, May 26, 2015




What do you guys think about our 2015 logo? It works perfect as a background for your phone, tablet or computer. Clean and Fresh, thats how we like it:)))

Let us know if you want the logo in high resolution, or if you want us to prepare a customized FB timeline photo as a colab between you and grandprixberoun... It could look just like this - just with your name in the top left corner:)


Saturday, April 25, 2015

▲▲▲▲▲ The 2010 edition Winner ▲▲▲▲▲

Did you know we started the event in 2010 as the Grand Opening of the newly built skatepark in Beroun? ... If not, now you know:)

And our first ever GrandPrix Beroun winner was MARTIN PEK (CZE)...

Look at this proper 360 flip he did on his way to the first win..:)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beer, Friends & amazing Music... That's GRANDPRIX BEROUN 2015

Look at our facebook fanpage to see more photos, stories, videos and have a chance to win free stuff from our partners on a regular basis:)

CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE - our facebook fanpage...


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring is here and news skateparks are showing up....

This time, it is a new plaza in Prague..

Tomas Vintr and Riso Tury met up with BOARD MAGAZINE's filmer Bulet to film this little check-out edit.. Enjoy:)

Tomas Vintr and Riso Tury killing the new plaza in Prague

follow us here:

Monday, April 6, 2015

Watch the official 2014 GRANDPRIX BEROUN edit now !!:)

Pamatujete si GrandPrix Beroun 2014? Byli jste se podivat? Tady je nas oficialni edit z minuleho rocniku:)
Do you remember GrandPrix Beroun 2014? This is our oficial edit from last year's edition, have fun watching:)

Watch the edit HERE:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Alex Mizurov - Olloclip Clips

Alex Mizurov knows how to skate. Here is a little something from Alex, obviously, this was with no effort for this skateboard magician:)

Alex Mizurov je obrovsky talent. Podivejte se na jeho kratickej klip pro nase kamarady ve firme Olloclip, ktera nam na zavody poslala vsechny mozne nastavce a objektivy pro nataceni:)

Didrik Galasso is coming to the #grandprix again

If you are a fan of the GrandPrix, you know who DIDRIK GALASSO is, for sure. If not, check this new street videopart of him and become his new fan instantly...

Didrik is from Norway, so come support this shredder on June 27th 2015, when he comes compete at this years GrandPrix Beroun:)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Official Hotel for the #grandprix

GrandPrix Beroun partnered up with the best hotel in the central bohemian region and came to a partnership deal with the Best Western Hotel Grand in Beroun. The hotel is conveniently located just 2 minutes walking distance from the skatepark and less than a minute from the main town square in Beroun.

We have some good news for our riders / press and also general public. We have a discounted rate in this amazing 4* hotel and you can have your rooms booked through our event managers (email us) for up to 40% off the official booking price.


GrandPrix Beroun se jako největší akce spojila s nejlepším hotelem ve středočeském kraji - Best Western Hotel Grand Beroun. Hotel je ideálně umístěn zhruba 2 minuty chůze od skateparku a méně než minutu od hlavního náměstí města Beroun.

Máme pro Vás, naše ridery / média a taktéž diváky velmi dobré zprávy. Zařídili jsme zlevněnou sazbu pro bookování hotelových pokojů v tomto krásném 4* hotelu a vy takto (kontaktujte nás) můžete v hotelu spát s až 40% slevou oproti ceníkovým cenám...




Friday, March 27, 2015

SAVE THE DATE for 2015 ... #grandprix

This year's date has been set since November 2014. As you may have guessed from our posts, we are keeping the event in the end of June. This year, we are going to open the event for 2 days, Friday, June 26th for the open practice and Saturday, June 27th for everything regarding the event and the festival.

Can't wait? Yes, this year is going to be much bigger than 2014. Stay tuned for all news.

JUNE 26th - 27th 2015 / Beroun / the Czech republic

Datum letošního ročníku bylo vybráno již v listopadu 2014 a opět se držíme stejného termínu - konec června. Tento rok otevřeme celý event na 2 dny - pátek 26. Června pro open practice a večerní warm-up party s DJs a hlavní závod proběhne v sobotu 27. Června.

     Po skončení skateboardových závodů čekejte opět větší a lepší hudební festival.

26. - 27. Června 2015 / Beroun / Česká republika